Unfortunately, we don’t recommend this retailer at this time. However, we have some alternative fashion retailers with some fantastic student discounts and savings.
There is a great student discount for Asos and Boohoo. Plus there are additional savings on some quality fashion brands.
AllSaints have some lovely quality fashion plus there is a student discount too.
Also JD Sports has a student discount. It’s usually 10% but sometimes it’s increased to 20% which is a big saving.
Take a look at the similar retailers below for some more ideas:
- Boohoo Student Discount
- Dorothy Perkins Student Discount
- Evans Student Discount
- Fashion World Student Discount
- H&M Student Discount
- House Of Fraser Student Discount
- Miss Selfridge Student Discount
- New Look Student Discount
- Oasis Student Discount
- Pretty Little Thing Student Discount
- Selfridges Student Discount
- Simply Be Student Discount
- The Hut Student Discount
- TK Maxx Student Discount
- Very Student Discount
- Wallis Student Discount
- Warehouse Student Discount
- Zara Student Discount